1. Art
- This task is based on the illustrations that Mary Blair created for the Disney short film The Little House. You will create your own Victorian-style house using geometric shapes as a base for the house, adding on contrasting paper shapes for the main features and will finish off the collages with pen lines to add detail and interest. Use whatever art materials you have at home to complete the house - markers, pens, colouring pencils, pastels, chalk.

art_1.png |

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art_3_.png |

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2. Science (Materials)
Aim: To study the process used to make a hurley, from the ash tree to the finished product
1. Discuss with someone in your house about the name hurl or hurley!
2. There is a short video about hurley making here: youtu.be/6cwszULG20w. Click on the link and watch the video.
3. Draw a story-line showing the process involved in making a hurley from start to finish - include the equipment you would use when making the hurley as well.
4. Write a short story about “The Magic Hurley".
3. Private Peaceful Class Novel (Task Sheet 2)
Aim: To study the process used to make a hurley, from the ash tree to the finished product
- An Camán – The Earliest Hurley
The hurley is mentioned in a number of Irish folk tales, such as that of Setanta, which date from pre-Christian times. Many of these were first written down as far back as the 9th century. Setanta’s stick may have been made of ash, yew or even oak, all of which were used in ancient times to make hurleys. The importance of the player was known by the quality of the hurley and how it was banded. Copper, bronze, silver and even gold were used, depending on the wealth of the hurler.
1. Discuss with someone in your house about the name hurl or hurley!
2. There is a short video about hurley making here: youtu.be/6cwszULG20w. Click on the link and watch the video.
3. Draw a story-line showing the process involved in making a hurley from start to finish - include the equipment you would use when making the hurley as well.
4. Write a short story about “The Magic Hurley".
3. Private Peaceful Class Novel (Task Sheet 2)
- Using the attached task sheet, use adjectives to describe the three main characters and find definitions and synonyms for certain words used throughout the novel.

private_peaceful_–_task_2.docx |
4. English Comprehension
- Please download the attached file and read the text about the micro-state of Andorra.

Andorra |
Once you have read the text fully, you can try the below online quiz based on the text. The quiz is timed so please make sure that you have read the text fully before attempting it. The aim of the quiz is to check your understanding of the text. You will need to read the text a number of times before attempting the quiz. When you click on the link, you will be asked to enter a name and then you can start answering the questions. The quiz finishes on Friday, April 3rd at 12pm and it can't be accessed after that point.
Click on this link to start the quiz:
Click on this link to start the quiz: