Guidelines for a healthy lunchbox
- A healthy lunchbox includes a sandwich or roll with cheese or a filling of choice.
- Some of the healthy snacks that we encourage include fruit (banana, orange, apple, raisins etc.), yoghurt, crackers. Crisps and all types of corn snacks are not permitted.
- Fizzy drinks are not permitted.
- Be conscious of the sugar content of drinks and smoothies.
- Nuts and any products containing nuts are not allowed for health and safety reasons.
- Foods which have wrappers should be kept to a minimum, wrappers and any food not eaten must be put back in the lunch box and taken home. Cling film, tinfoil and plastic bags cannot be recycled so reduce their use and use a lunchbox instead.
- Chewing gum is not permitted.
- All classes receive lessons on healthy eating. Our school's Healthy Eating guidelines are displayed in the school.
For further information log onto:
For healthy school lunch ideas and great information on healthy eating visit: