This is the final day of challenges. The name of the winning team will posted here on Tuesday morning (June 23rd).
Your photos and videos will continue to be uploaded on the School Blog page and the YouTube channel.

day_five_challenges_.docx |
Today’s skill uses lots of different parts of your body!
— FAI Grassroots (@FAIGrassroots) May 14, 2020
David and Mark will be showing you how to do ‘the Maradona 7’ which requires a lot of ball control ⚽️
Show us how you get on in the comments below…#FAIHomeskills
It's @AVIVAIreland Soccer Sisters week on #FAIHomeskills#IRLWNT star @megcam10 and the FAI's Rob Sweeney show you how to master the long pass today
— FAI Grassroots (@FAIGrassroots) June 15, 2020
Let us know how you get on...#SafeToDream #COYBIG #COYGIG
Today’s hurling skill
— Ciarán Kilkenny (@CKKilkenny93) May 9, 2020
Great for footwork & 1st touch
See how many times you can strike the ball off the wall left & right side allowing the ball to roll along the ground & control in 30/60 seconds
Hope you enjoy □
Coaching points
— Ciarán Kilkenny (@CKKilkenny93) May 9, 2020
Great drill for 1st touch & striking
Shorten your grip
2 hands on hurley when controlling the ball
On your toes at all times & executing at pace □
Today’s skill challenge
— Ciarán Kilkenny (@CKKilkenny93) May 8, 2020
Chip the ball off the ground.
Go diagonally to 1st cone pirouette & bounce & run diagonally to next cone & dummy solo & kick off the wall using other foot.
Repeat on the other side
See how many times you can do in 30/60 seconds □
Coaching points
— Ciarán Kilkenny (@CKKilkenny93) May 8, 2020
Important to go on the run like a game where you have no time to bend down &pick ball up
Go at pace commit to the chip,body commited over the ball
Feint &pretend to go 1 way pirouette,bounce &go other way
Pretend to kick 1 side dummy solo & kick the other side
Football challenge
— Ciarán Kilkenny (@CKKilkenny93) April 19, 2020
Figure of 8
Solo R foot diagonally to L side of cone change to L foot solo around cone then diagonal L foot solo to R side of other cone once you reach change to R solo around the cone & start again. See how many times you can solo around cone in 30 seconds!